各种宝石的英文和寓意 各种宝石的英文名

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各种宝石的英文和寓意 各种宝石的英文名







猫眼石的英文名称为"cat's eye",它象征着智慧、预知和保护。猫眼石的特殊光效使得它在光线照射下呈现出独特的猫眼效果。猫眼石被认为能够增强洞察力和直觉,让人能够看清未来的发展。




首先,让我们来谈谈蓝宝石( Sapphire)。蓝宝石是一种稀有的宝石,以其深邃的蓝色而著名。它是信仰、智慧和纯洁的象征,因此在古代文化中被广泛应用。蓝宝石的优雅和神秘感使其成为珠宝设计师和收藏家追捧的对象。

接下来,我们认识一下红宝石( Ruby)。红宝石代表着爱情、勇气和热情,是太阳之石,与火焰般的红色相得益彰。在古代的东方文化中,红宝石被视为吉祥和权力的象征。如同火焰般的红宝石燃烧着人们内心的渴望,让人们追求与活力。

接下来是绿宝石( Emerald),其翠绿色彩令人陶醉。绿宝石象征着希望、和平和生命之力,是大自然的恩赐。绿宝石的色彩和光泽是如此独特,即使在古代文化中也备受重视。它被赋予了与自然和谐共处的意义,人们对绿宝石的追求也使其成为许多皇室和贵族珠宝的首选。

此外,还有粉晶石(Rose Quartz),它以其温和、柔美的粉红色而著名。粉晶石是爱与和谐的象征,被视为传递温暖和正能量的石头。人们相信,佩戴粉晶石可以增强爱情、创造友谊和滋养心灵。它的特殊能量也使其成为许多人们日常佩戴的护身符。

最后,让我们来谈谈钻石( Diamond),这是最坚硬、最珍贵的宝石之一。钻石象征着永恒、纯洁和力量。它的闪耀和晶莹剔透使其成为珠宝的皇冠。钻石的耐久性和珍稀性使其成为许多重要场合的标志,如婚礼和纪念日。它象征着永恒的爱和承诺,成为人们对永恒和美好的追求。



1. Diamond(钻石)- A colorless gemstone that is the hardest known substance.

2. Emerald(翡翠)- A green gemstone that is a type of beryl.

3. Sapphire(蓝宝石)- A blue gemstone that is a variety of corundum.

4. Ruby(红宝石)- A red gemstone that is a variety of corundum.

5. Topaz(黄玉)- A yellow, brown, or blue gemstone that is a type of silicate mineral.

6. Amethyst(紫水晶)- A purple gemstone that is a type of quartz.

7. Garnet(石榴石)- A red, brown, or green gemstone that is a type of mineral.

8. Opal(蛋白石)- A gemstone that can be colorless or have a variety of colors and iridescent flashes.

9. Aquamarine(海蓝宝石)- A blue-green gemstone that is a type of beryl.

10. Pearl(珍珠)- A gemstone that is formed within the shells of certain mollusks.


1. Diamond

Pronunciation: /ˈdaɪmənd/

Yin yi: 钻石 (zuàn shí)

Meaning: Purity, strength, wealth and eternal love

Popularity: One of the most popular gemstones

Source: The gemstone is named after the Greek word adamas, which means "unconquerable".

2. Ruby

Pronunciation: /ˈruːbi/

Yin yi: 红宝石 (hóng bǎo shí)

Meaning: Passion, love, courage and good fortune

Popularity: One of the most popular gemstones

Source: The name ruby comes from the Latin word ruber, which means "red".

3. Emerald

Pronunciation: /ˈɛmərəld/

Yin yi: 翡翠 (fěi cuì)

Meaning: Hope, renewal, growth and prosperity

Popularity: One of the "big three" gemstones (along with diamond and sapphire)

Source: The name emerald comes from the Greek word smaragdos, meaning "green stone".

4. Sapphire

Pronunciation: /ˈsæfaɪər/

Yin yi: 蓝宝石 (lán bǎo shí)

Meaning: Wisdom, truth, good fortune and loyalty

Popularity: One of the "big three" gemstones (along with diamond and emerald)

Source: The name sapphire comes from the Latin word sapphirus, which means "blue stone".

5. Topaz

Pronunciation: /ˈtoʊpæz/

Yin yi: 黄水晶 (huáng shuǐ jīng)

Meaning: Love and affection, good fortune and abundance

Popularity: Common gemstone

Source: The name topaz comes from the Sanskrit word tapas, which means "fire".

6. Amethyst

Pronunciation: /ˈæməθɪst/

Yin yi: 紫晶 (zǐ jīng)

Meaning: Sobriety, tranquility and spiritual awareness

Popularity: Common gemstone

Source: The name amethyst comes from the Greek words amethystos, which means "not intoxicated".

7. Aquamarine

Pronunciation: /ˌækwəməˈriːn/

Yin yi: 海蓝宝石 (hǎi lán bǎo shí)

Meaning: Calmness, clarity, truth and harmony

Popularity: Semi-popular gemstone

Source: The name aquamarine comes from the Latin word aqua marina, which means "water of the sea".

8. Garnet

Pronunciation: /ˈɡɑːrnɪt/

Yin yi: 石榴石 (shí liú shí)

Meaning: Passion, devotion, fidelity and love

Popularity: Common gemstone

Source: The name garnet comes from the Latin word granatum, which means "seed", because the gemstone resembles the seeds of a pomegranate.

9. Citrine

Pronunciation: /ˈsɪtriːn/

Yin yi: 柠檬石 (nìng méng shí)

Meaning: Happiness, joy and abundance

Popularity: Semi-popular gemstone

Source: The name citrine comes from the French word citron, which means "lemon".

10. Peridot

Pronunciation: /ˈpɛrɪdɒt/

Yin yi: 绿宝石 (lǜ bǎo shí)

Meaning: Protection, prosperity and abundance

Popularity: Semi-popular gemstone

Source: The name peridot comes from the Arabic word faridat, which means "gem".

标签: 寓意 

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